VAA – Video Art Awards 2019
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VAA – Video Art Awards 2019

Honored to be awarded the first price of the VAA – Video Art Awards 2019.

The 2019 edition theme was Interconnections: Legacy and Identity. The call was an opportunity to encourage the artistic production of moving images by identifying and rewarding exciting and innovative artworks produced by emerging artists from South Africa and Italy.

From Genoa to Cape Town. ‘Niccolò Masini, born in 1989, is the artist who wins with “White Time” the VAA award for the best art video in the Italian selection. He will participate in the prize-giving event to be held in the historic Cinema Labia, Tuesday 14 May, Cape Town. In the Screening, all the 10 finalist works of the two selections, Italian and South African, will be projected.

The VAA – Video Art Awards is designed and promoted by the Centro Luigi Di Sarro with the contribution of the Italian Cultural Institute of Pretoria and the International Short Film Festival cortoLovere.

